Thematic Consultation Sessions
NYCATT continues to plan new events and ways to enhance and grow our community. With that objective, we are pleased to announce a series of consultation opportunities centered around special topics. The sessions will each last 1.5 hours and will be conducted via Zoom at various times throughout the week, providing ample opportunity for many of you to participate.

Dates and Topics
Thursday, September 5th
12 to 1:30 PM

Divided Mind, Divided Body: Parts work through the lens of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
This presentation will explore the challenges, risks and rewards of working somatically with dissociative clients, elucidate how the body reflects and sustains both daily life parts of the self and those stuck in trauma time, and clarify how the body can be an asset in helping these parts communicate and cooperate. Recognizing that certain actions can be experienced as threatening to certain parts of the self, we will look at how to integrate instead of override internal parts when working with posture and movement.
Learning objectives:
a. Discuss three risks of using body interventions with dissociative clients
b. Justify the role of movement to facilitate communication between internal parts of the self
C. Apply therapeutic experiments to work with internal parts of the self in session
Please follow us in social media and share our events to your colleagues.
We're committed to nurturing a diverse and inclusive community, and your active participation is invaluable in achieving this goal!